
November 30, 2012


oh boy has it been a loooonnngg week for us over here in little old provo. i'm not sure what it was about this particular week, but it is friday night & i am exhausted. it is one of those nights where kicking up your feet & zoning out in front of the tv is all that i can manage. {oh, & i guess a blog post, too}

i just have to say that i am beyond ready for this weekend.
i have finally gotten over the little cold that mark generously shared with me over the thanksgiving holiday. {thanks, babe ;)} & no commuting for two whole days**!!!
but tomorrow will be busy busy!
to start the day my friend emily is having a baby shower, then i am on to completing & printing out our ward newsletter {which i haven't started yet, yikes}, next i will be taking pictures for a cute couple & then off to dinner with friends to celebrate a birthday. so much excitement in one day!! i think i can safely say that i will be taking full advantage of sunday, the day of rest. :) i will already say that after church i will be napping & lounging all day! & i feel pretty good about it.

**on a little side note... i am happy to report that i started another nanny gig in midway this week & i love the family! i am now finally working monday-friday & making some real money, which could be the cause of my exhaustion. commuting can really wear me out, especially after a long day, but it is only about 30 minutes both ways. i am in awe of people who commute over an hour in each direction every day {my stepmom, nancy, is one of those people} i don't think i could do it! i am worried that my creative cooking might suffer from the long hours, though...looks like the crockpot will have to start to become my new best friend! i will be on the look out for interesting crockpot meals...

before i go i guess i should mention mark somewhere in this post, too! mark has been working away as usual, playing soccer in the evenings or hitting the gym before i get home. staying busy & happy.

alright, i am off to watch liz & dick, snack on some cake & possibly fall asleep on the couch while mark kills some zombies with a couple friends {video game night...i know i know}!
until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting a second job. Sounds like you're going to be really busy. Don't forget to take time out to relax!


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