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Showing posts with label new years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new years. Show all posts

January 2, 2013

a single new year resolution

it's so funny that every year on the first of january people publically pledge to make changes or do new things for the upcoming year. i think it's a great idea to make goals for yourself, but i've heard from various sources that telling people what you plan to do makes you less likely to do it. for some reason by saying it out loud you somehow think you've already accomplished it. 
just something to think about!

anyway, after all that i must publically announce one of my new year resolutions...

>> after 22 years of having the ugliest nails, i have decided this will be the year that i overcome my nail biting! it is such a terrible habit to have as an adult. who wants to see a grown woman with her fingers in her mouth...uhhh, probably no one. i look like i'm two. not to mention, i constantly get made fun of or criticized by friends & family for having the smallest nails on earth. but rightfully so because my fingers seriously look like little nubs.

so, i'm saying this out loud because i need people to know i'm trying! in order for me to stop long term i need people to call me out if i slip up & help me stop. i've also heard about this stuff that i am thinking i may try out. additionally, in order to keep my nails out of my mouth i have to keep them painted & pretty, so if anyone ever needs to get their nails done...let me know!

December 31, 2012

the end of a chapter

happy new year!!

this year was full of so much fun & many new adventures. 
here are some of my highlights from the past year.

>> graduated from BYU
>> one year anniversary with the hubby
>> having the whole family come visit us in provo
>> began my photography business
>> staycation in LA over the summer
>> got into grad school // didn't go :)
>> long weekend in sun valley, ID
>> shopping time with nani & the girls {twice!} 
>> trip to AZ for nate & mc's wedding
>> finishing our color me mine bowl, finally
>> roadtrip to visit my sister in boulder, CO
>> shane & heather's wedding
>> mark's promotion at work
>> christmas in lala land
>> got a job
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