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Showing posts with label recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipe. Show all posts

April 12, 2013

getting our juice on

as most of you can probably tell, i like food. i like to eat it, make it & enjoy it with friends//family. but should food really be on your mind most of the day??? ehhh probably not. i have decided to get back on track with a healthier lifestyle. i must admit that i gave myself a nice long break from really worrying about my diet & exercise routine, but no more!

i will still be sharing recipes but i will try to make healthier options & give you guys some yummy ideas that won't impact your waste-line quite as much.

so in honor of my new state of mind here is my new {or should i say repurchased} juicer! mark & i bought a juicer when we were first married & loved making fruit//veggie juices. unfortunately i fried the motor by forcing a huge carrot into the poor little guy which it could not handle. opps.

this is honestly such a great way to get some extra fruits & veggies into your bod. i love it & am happy to start up again!

if you guys have any good juice recipes please do share! i have a favorite go-to blend that i love & will share with you now...

jenna's blend >>
yields 2 large glasses

3 carrots
1/2 of a large beet
3 celery sticks
2 apples
6 leaves of kale
2 cups of spinach
1 orange, peeled

i like to wait until my juice is nice & cold so you can either make it ahead of time & let it chill in the fridge or add some ice cubes.

^^^this combo may not come out looking very pretty thanks to mixture of red beet juice & the green of the kale/spinach, but it tastes amazing!^^^

February 25, 2013

recipes {apple cider glazed pork chops}

happy monday, y'all! the beginning of the week is always so hectic for me. trying to get back into the swing of things & waking up early again...ugh! i hate that cooking begins to feel like a chore on the weekdays, but we all have to eat, right? so in order to stay excited about making a meal after a long day i am always on the look out for quick, easy & lean options for dinner. i am typically a chicken gal, but today i have a must try pork recipe for you that is so simple & definitely a weekday option!

pork chops typically come with the bone in & are about an inch or so thick...they are delish & look gorgeous on a plate, but this time i picked up some thin cut chops that i knew would cook quickly! i paired them with a simple apple cider glaze that boosted these chops to a whole new level! mark was crazy about it & i am still wishing there were more leftovers...

>> what you'll need
pork chops {any kind you prefer. i used about 8 thin cut, center cut pork chop without the bone}
salt & pepper to taste
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 glove garlic, minced
11/2 cups apple cider
1/2 teaspoon fresh rosemary, finely chopped

>> directions
1. pat chops with paper towel to remove any moisture. sprinkle with salt & pepper on both sides.

2. heat large skillet to medium-high heat. spray with oil & add a touch of butter. when the butter slightly browns then add the chops. {if your pork chops don't all fit into the pan at once then work in batches. do not over crowd}

3. depending on the thickness of your chop you will leave it in the pan on each side for about 3-6 minutes.

4. once you have fried all of your pork chops remove them from the pan and set aside on a plate.

5. lower the heat to medium and add your garlic. stir continuously & keep your eye on the garlic because you don't want it to burn. let it cook for about 30 seconds until fragrant. then add the vinegar &, with a wooden spoon, scrape the bottom of the pan to release any bits of goodness stuck to the bottom of the pan.

6. add the apple cider & crank up the heat until you have a low simmer. let the sauce simmer for about 5-10 minutes until it reduces & forms a glaze.

7. add the chopped rosemary & allow it to cook for a minute or two. turn off heat. add the pork chops back into the pan & cover with the glaze!

pair these puppies with some mashed potatoes, roasted root veggies and a fresh garden salad & you are all set!

**the recipe for the glaze is just enough to lightly coat each chop. if you want more of a sauce then you may want to double the recipe. 

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stay tuned for homemade french baguettes coming later this week!!

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