after a long weekend with my family in LA, mark & i were really
looking forward to spending some quality time with his mom & dad in
seattle. as well as attending mark's best friend's wedding!
we returned to utah on monday morning & then left wednesday evening for
the evergreen state. there was pretty much only enough time to do a few loads
of laundry & repack for our next adventure. needless to say, we were
so excited for the back2back vacations!
we landed in
washington around 8pm & were greeted happily by mark's parents, john
& ann. we stopped to pick up our favorite pizza {round table: pepperoni & black olive} on our way back to the house. we ate way too much & stayed up really late watching the olympics...this seemed to be a reoccurring theme throughout the weekend :)
the next few days were sort of a whirlwind. we attended a wedding rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, late night bowling, visited a few lakes, lots of shopping with ann {yes!!}, a car museum, tons & tons of food and, of course, shane & heather's wedding!
the wedding was just beautiful & the bride looked gorgeous.
i was so proud of the toast that mark made in honor of the happy couple. shane has been mark's best friend & next door neighbor since about age 4. those two boys are like brothers & it meant the world to mark to be included in shane's big day.
*funny side story {at our wedding last year shane caught the garter & we found out that they kept the it for a whole year! heather ended up wearing the exact same garter i wore! we thought it was really cute & special}
their wedding was great & we had the privilege of taking the bride and groom to their hotel after the reception. just to add a little bit more spice to the night a policeman decided to pull us over with the fully dressed bride and groom in the back seat. i guess it's a fun story to look back on! luckily shane is a cop & we were sent on our way with a simple warning {thank goodness!}
congrats to shane & heather!!
sunday was our last day in seattle & finally all of the wedding
activities were done and we could relax. we spent our last day doing a
bit more shopping for mark & had a great mexican dinner in gig